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Auto Insurance in and around Maumee

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State Farm Has Coverages For Your Needs

Fender benders, darting deer and wind storms, oh my! Even the most mindful drivers know that sometimes mishaps occur. No one knows what to expect around town.

Take this great auto insurance for a spin, Maumee

Take this route for your insurance needs

Your Quest For Auto Insurance Is Over

With Eric Guilliod's assistance, you'll get reliable coverage for your vehicles, from sedans to smart cars. And Agent Eric Guilliod can share more information about State Farm's savings options—such as our Drive Safe & Save™ and Safe Driver Program—and a wide range of policy inclusions—such as rideshare insurance and Emergency Roadside Service (ERS) coverage.

You don't have to ride solo when you have insurance from State Farm. Visit Eric Guilliod's office today for more information on how you can benefit from State Farm auto insurance.

Have More Questions About Auto Insurance?

Call Eric at (419) 893-3335 or visit our FAQ page.

Simple Insights®

Safety tips for driving while pregnant

To help stay safe when driving while pregnant, read these driving tips —including tips for using your seat belt while pregnant.

How likely are you to have an animal collision?

What can you do to avoid hitting animals when driving? This animal collision study from State Farm ranks states by the chance potential drivers had of hitting an animal.

Profile photo of a State Farm Agent named: Eric Guilliod

Eric Guilliod

State Farm® Insurance Agent
Office Address:
117 E Indiana Ave
Maumee, OH 43537-2825
Map & Directions

Would you like to create a personalized auto quote?

Profile photo of a State Farm Agent named: Eric Guilliod

Eric Guilliod

State Farm® Insurance Agent
Office Address:
117 E Indiana Ave
Maumee, OH 43537-2825
Map & Directions

Simple Insights®

Safety tips for driving while pregnant

To help stay safe when driving while pregnant, read these driving tips —including tips for using your seat belt while pregnant.

How likely are you to have an animal collision?

What can you do to avoid hitting animals when driving? This animal collision study from State Farm ranks states by the chance potential drivers had of hitting an animal.